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Kitting Solutions & JIT Delivery

Start the manufacturing process outside your plant.

With Kanban’s kitting solutions and sub-assembly services, your skilled labor can focus on production and avoid non-value-added activities like searching for parts, de-trashing and other routine tasks.

In this case study, see how an aerospace company leveraged Kanban kitting solutions to get more efficient.

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kitting solutions

  • Design and creation of custom kits. We can produce trays to hold multiple parts used together during manufacturing. These kits can then be delivered to the exact point of use on the line, making assembly hyper-efficient
  • Sub-assembly. Kanban also performs basic sub-assembly tasks. For importers, this work can be done in our active foreign trade zone to defer duties until goods are distributed.
  • JIT delivery. Completed kits are delivered to the point of use based on demand signals or a pre-determined schedule. Kanban’s truck fleet can provide shuttle services to local plants.

Benefits of JIT Delivery and Kitting Solutions

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Increase productivity and production output

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Reduce labor costs, as non-value-added tasks can be done less expensively at our nearby warehouse(s)

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Free up space on your plant floor and reduce on-hand inventory


Free Ebook for Manufacturers

Logistics Strategies to Improve Plant Operations


1-844-KANBAN1 (1-844-526-2261)

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